• We take your privacy very seriously.

    Carlisle Solicitors fully respect your right to privacy, and will not collect any personal information about you on this website without your clear permission. Any personal information which you volunteer to us will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality in full compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Act.

    This is a privacy statement relating to our privacy practice in connection with this website, for the purposes of complying with the European General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and the European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Privacy and Electronic Communications) Regulations 2011. By visiting this website, you are deemed to be on notice of, and to agree with, the manner in which we collect and process personal data which we receive via this website. If you do not agree with the manner in which we collect and process personal data, you can choose to reject all cookies through the cookie banner or by visiting the Cookie Policy page on the website, and changing your cookie preferences.

    If at any time you wish to discuss any matters relating to the processing of your personal data on this website, please use the following contact details:

    Carlisle Solicitors

    16/17 St. Andrew Street’s
    Dublin 2
    Phone: +353 1 653 3370
    Email: law@carlislesolicitors.ie

    Web Browsing

    By simply browsing this website, we do not collect, nor do you disclose any personal information to us. If you agree to enable cookies, the only information that is known to us when you visit our site is:

    IP address of the server used to access this website. An IP address is a unique number that identifies a specific computer or device on the internet. This allows us to identify the location of visitors and helps establish the number of visits from different countries to our site. We use this data for statistical reasons, to identify trends for example, how many pages a person visits per session, how much time they spend on the site and to map their journey.

    • The domain from which you access the site (.ie, .co.uk, .com, for example)
    • From where you access the site (Google SERP, referral website, for example)
    • The type of web browser used (chrome, explorer, Firefox, Safari, for example)
    • Type of device used to access the site (mobile phone, desktop, tablet)
    • The time you entered the site.


    The above information is used for statistical purposes and may be shared with our internet service provider. We may use this data to gather insight into our website performance and to help improve our site and user experience. This does not provide us with any insight into any personal information of the user who accessed the site.

    Collection of Data

    We do not collect any personal data about you on this website, apart from information which you volunteer, whether by using our online forms, online chat facility or subscription to our email subscription list or otherwise.

    On this website, volunteered personal information may be used in the following manner:

    • To contact you/respond to your query when you complete our contact form or request an online chat on this website.
    • Add your details to our mailing lists in cases where you have opted to subscribe to said mailing lists
    • SEO – Search Engine Optimisation
    • Non-obvious purposes such as statistical market research and future marketing where you have given consent for us to do so.

    Any information which you provide in this way will not be made available to any third parties (with the exclusion of any person acting as our agent) unless we have received your express permission in this regard before doing so or unless we are obliged by law to pass on any such information.

    Scenarios where we may use your personal information to contact you:

    We may use your personal information to contact you in the following scenarios:

    1. When a user completes a contact request or query form on any page of our site we may use their information to contact them in response to their form submission.
    2. When a user requests an Online Chat, we may request and use personal information from them, with their consent we may contact them regarding their query to us.
    3. When a person has subscribed to our mailing list, we may use their personal information to contact them with e-newsletters and other online mailing campaigns. You will be given an option each time we contact you with an e-newsletter or email marketing campaign to opt out of future campaigns.
    4. To provide you with information on our services via social media when you choose to follow our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). We cannot reach out to you on social media but can use your personal details to contact you should you choose to contact us via social media.

    If we do want to use your personal information in any other way, you will be contacted first and given the opportunity to withhold or withdraw your consent for use of your personal data for any purpose outside of those listed in this privacy statement.

    As per the General Data Protection Regulation, we can only hold data that is necessary, any data in excess of this will not be requested and if volunteered by you, will be deleted.

    Obtaining Copies of Your Data

    Unless your right of access to the data which you have requested is restricted by section 5 of the Data Protection Acts, on request, we will supply copies of any personal data relating to you which we have received from you via this website. We are entitled to destroy any personal data which you submit to us at our discretion and subject to current Law Society best practice. In the event that we have destroyed any personal data which you have supplied to us we will not have any obligation to supply you with copies of this destroyed data.

    If you wish to obtain copies of any personal data which we hold, you must write to us 16/17 St. Andrew Street, Dublin 2.  You should include any personal details which you supplied earlier via the website (such as your name, address, phone number, e-mail address etc.).

    If you make a request in respect of your personal data we will comply with this request within thirty days of receiving it in writing.

    Correcting Inaccurate Information

    If you discover that we hold inaccurate information about you, you can request us to correct that information. Any such request must be in writing and should be transmitted to us either by post to 16/17 St. Andrew’s Street, Dublin 2 or by email to law@carlislesolicitors.ie.

    Deleting Your Data

    In certain circumstances, you may also request that data which you have supplied to us via the website be deleted. If you wish to request a deletion, you will be expected to identify some contravention of data protection law in the manner in which we have processed the data which you require to be deleted.

    Right to Communicate

    If you provide us with any postal or email address, we may communicate with you by post or email to provide you with information regarding the services we provide or to keep you updated of any legal developments which we believe might be of interest to you. If you do not want to receive such information from us you must notify us of this in writing, either by post or email, at the addresses mentioned earlier.

    Technical Details Recorded via This Website

    This site uses cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics.

    The Google Analytics cookies included on this site are enabled for Display Advertising features (e.g., Re-marketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration, or Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting). Using the Ads Settings, you can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads. You can also refer to Google Analytics’ currently available opt-outs for the web.

    As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to decline cookies in the cookies banner or by visiting our Cookie Policy page and updating your preferences. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers.

    We will make no attempt to identify individual visitors to our website or to associate the technical details listed above with any individual. It is our policy never to disclose such technical information in respect of individual website visitors to any third party (apart from our internet service provider and persons providing SEO services on our behalf, who record such data on our behalf and who are bound by confidentiality provisions in this regard), unless obliged to disclose such information by a rule of law or unless we believe that our website is being visited for the purpose of committing an offence.

    The technical information will be used only by us, and only for statistical, market research, SEO and other administrative purposes. Technical details which we cannot associate with any identifiable individual do not constitute “personal data” for the purposes of the Data Protection Acts and we will therefore not be obliged to comply with a request for copies of any such data.

    Interception by Third Parties

    We take our security responsibilities very seriously, by employing the most appropriate physical and technical measures, including staff training and awareness and ensuring to review these measures regularly.

    While we will treat any personal data received from you in accordance with the terms set out in this privacy statement and we will take all reasonable steps to store the data securely, we cannot ensure that your data is not intercepted by third parties in the course of being transmitted to us. In the event that any information is intercepted when being transmitted to us via the internet, we will bear no responsibility or liability to you for the manner in which any such intercepted data is used by any third parties.

    External Links

    This privacy statement relates only to the website of Carlisle Solicitors. We may occasionally have links to external websites on our website. Any external links to other websites are clearly identifiable as such. We do not have any control over the privacy policies or the terms of use of any of these external websites. In the event that you visit any of these sites, whether by means of following the link on our page or otherwise, we will bear no responsibility or liability to you in respect of any such external websites, whether in respect of the manner in which your personal data is processed or otherwise. The fact that we have placed a link to an external website on our website does not signal that we agree with or endorse or are desirous of publishing any statement which is contained on any such external website.

    Changes to Our Policy

    We may make changes to this privacy policy from time to time. Any such policy changes will be reflected in our privacy statement which will be posted on this page. Accordingly, if you visit this website regularly you should consult this page periodically to ensure that you are aware of our current policy.

    © 2024 Carlisle Solicitors